How to Protect Colour-Treated Hair from the Summer Sun

Jul 18 , 2019

How to Protect Colour-Treated Hair from the Summer Sun

Millions of people each year colour their hair. No matter the reason, the root cause is often the same: to look great, feel confident, and show off their gorgeous locks; but too much exposure to the summer sun often proves damaging to hair coloured by even the highest-quality dyes.

If you've got coloured hair, you'll likely find yourself needing to take extra measures to protect it during the summer months. The sun can be tremendously harmful to anybody's hair. Coloured hair, which is especially prone to breakage and fading, requires extra care. Read on below to find out more about the steps you can take to keep your gorgeous locks looking as good as new-- no matter how much time you spend outside this summer. 

Your Guide to Protecting Your Colour-Treated Hair From the Summer Sun

Sunscreen oil sprays and primers

Did you know that you can actually find sunscreen designed to protect your hair? Coconut oil usually gets top billing as the first ingredient in products like these. Hair sunscreens are lightweight and come in varying SPFs. If you're looking to reap the rewards of your efforts to apply these products, shoot for those with an SPF of at least 30. 

The premise of these products is simple-- the oil forms a protective barrier against the sun's harsh rays and your hair. Unlike skin sunscreen, which will not work on your hair or offer it any measure of protection against the sun, these products are specially formulated to keep your hair looking and feeling its best.

Hats and scarves

There are plenty of chic, fashionable hats and scarves to choose from if you're willing to cover up your hair during the summer months. Many people find it's much easier to throw on a hat than to reapply protective products or fret about whether their hair is protected.

Make sure you select a scarf or hat that won't cause your hair any physical damage. Hats should be just tight enough to remain on your head, but shouldn't scrunch or tear at your locks. If you love the regal look of a tied up headscarf, make sure you opt for one that's made of silk or satin to ensure it doesn't cause breakage.

Colour protection products

Even if you do decide to use sunscreen, wear hats, or take other precautions to guard your coloured hair from the sun, you should also be using a quality line of hair products designed for colour-treated hair. 

Using high-quality colour protection products helps extend the life of your dye job and keep your hair healthy. Virtually every hair product can be formulated to meet the specific needs of coloured hair. There are plenty of shampoos, conditioners, and protection mists on the market to help you keep your hair looking beautiful. Many protection mists even contain low levels of sunscreen!

Stop heat drying

If you rely on heat drying or styling tools to help keep you looking fresh, see if you can switch up the timing of your regimen and omit those products. Your hair (and any colouring in it) have to contend with enough heat during the summer as it is. The intense heat and damage caused by the sun can do plenty of damage on their own-- why add fuel to the fire?

Get creative with styling, opt to air dry when you can, and always remember: give your hair a break. Colour-treated hair, especially, is prone to damage and may begin looking less than luxurious much faster than you'd expect. Don't overuse heat tools if your locks will already be subjected to the summer sun. 

Christian Iles Hair Care: You Deserve the Royal Treatment

At Christian Iles Hair Care, we offer a range of products designed to help ensure your hair looks and feels its very best. Our luxury collection includes shampoo, conditioner, and serum that have been specially-formulated to transform and protect weak and colour-treated hair. These products nourish hair, lock in moisture and colour, and help extend salon results. 

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